Reduce i-KYC processing time for your clients from days to just 3 minutes!
Know Your Customer (KYC) process can take a while to complete. Understanding the need of the hour, AssetPlus launches mAADHAR KYC process - swift registration process than can be completed in 3 minutes.
A client, at the time of registration, can choose between the existing KYC process and new mAADHAR KYC process*. The new process requires a valid PAN card, AADHAR with mobile number linked, and bank account details.
Benefits of mAADHAR i-KYC process
3-minute fast and hassle-free KYC process
Place purchase orders instantly
No follow-ups required
* The new process is applicable only to users whose KYC status is not-verified with a mobile number linked to their AADHAR (for OTP validation)